Before We Can Unite with our Twin Flames
Our existence is a vibrational force. Our being vibrates at different frequencies depending on different thoughts, feelings, soul consciousness and we attract to us identical vibrations. That is why we are One with our twin flames because they are that identical vibration, and the attraction will always be present for one cannot exist without the other.
Therefore, if we believe our twin flame's are at fault and we have these negative beliefs surrounding them, then that is what we will attract for ourselves and likely how they will percieve us. Could it be that sometimes a person's "fault" is to lack trust in the other, in the reasons behind this connection and therefore we attract the very things we subconsciously try to avoid?
Could it be that we spend all this time thinking "if only the he/she would do this or that then we could be together", that we are missing the point that we lack faith in this connection ourselves? We lack trust that all is happening for our highest good. We blind ourselves with wanting the connection to be a set way, therefore cannot see that it is the way it is right now because we are still needing to learn something and that the destination we are so focussed on might be a limited perception of what the outcome might be anyway?
Could it be that we are missing the point that reunion might be in a way which we cannot even comprehend as human beings? In a much BIGGER way? Could it be that our union may have nothing to do with being together in a "traditional" romantic relationship? What if that's not a bad thing? What if we are open to an even bigger possibility that is even beyond the physical?
I believe many twin flames are missing the point by LIMITING this connection by focussing too much on wanting to "be with them" in the physical, to the point of missing the lessons right now which are keeping them apart. We need to get out of the "categorising" and "earthly ideals" way of thinking and broaden our minds to understand the SOUL. But this is all part of the twin flame journey; We set ourselves limits so that we can eventually overcome them.
I have said this before but I will say it again, hopefully to help people ponder and see the bigger picture. TwinSOULS are primarily about the SOUL. They are the identical vibrational frequency of us. THEY ARE US and that means we need to be happy within ourselves before we can see the bigger picture in all this. If you cannot accept the connection in it's present state, then you are not ready for reunion because it means you will be unhappy that you don't have it the way you want it. Yes, we all hope to be united with our twins in the physical, but we may not have planned it to happen that way. This is the lesson we need to work through, to be able to see this as much more beyond physical circumstances. We are being prepared for Ascension, to exit our cycle of reincarnation on earth, so these lessons are to prepare us for soul consciousness as opposed to only believing in what the eye can see and the social beliefs we have learnt to believe as truth that may not be completely true.
I believe we need to find acceptance WITHIN OURSELVES. We long for the other so much because really we are longing to become whole with OURSELF and God. They are us, ourselves, and we want to connect so badly because we feel there are still parts of us that need healing, completing and we mistakenly think the other will complete us, instead of US completing ourselves. We are all God too. It comes from WITHIN before it is reflected back to us from the out.
Ironically, the separation occurs in order for us to long for the other so much until we do learn to accept, through creating the seed of the other's vibration (love) within ourselves FIRST, and along the way. This is an ongoing process. The only time we will fully unite (and i'm not talking physically necessarily, but it's a possibility depending on the chosen path) is when we have finally learn to ACCEPT OURSELVES and feel complete within ourselves, on both sides (creating the seed of their love at the same time).
Our twin flames are the other half of us, but the masculine and feminine vibrations are wholes within themselves. Both of these wholes need to be in complete harmony within themselves before the two wholes can fully reconnect to become One androgynous being.
When twin flames run, they are really running from THEMSELVES. They are us, we are them, and the connection highlights the parts of us that need working on and "fixing" in order to become our true selves again (united as one). This is MAJOR and very scary. We all have "faults" (lessons to learn) and it is painful to think about our percieved weaknesses. We blame ourselves and feel unworthy. We mistakenly think we "aren't good enough" or aren't even a "good person" if we believe we have "faults". But they aren't faults, just lessons, but of course we don't see it like that at first. There are no "wrong" decisions, "wrong" behaviours in terms of the soul. The soul CHOSE these traits/circumstances in order to ultimately teach us to forgive ourselves, to LOVE ourselves, and others. But of course, at first, we just see them as our weaknesses and believe we are unworthy until we "sort them out".
And this is what the twin flame makes us face up to. We see those "faults" in ourselves clearer than ever before. This scares us MORE THAN ANYTHING. We experience this wonderful person and it highlights to us all our "faults". We are one, so reflect each other and attract in to each other the very things we need to heal. The pain always comes before the healing though. With the twin flame's presence (in soul and in physical) we finally have to face up to those things, and quite often we don't want to (this is subconsciously). The very things about ourselves we have tried to distract ourselves from because we have been so ashamed are finally out in the open, seen completely by ourselves for the first times, and also seen by our twin flame. So we run, until finally we realise through the increased love, and awareness of our inner selves (God consciousness), that we have ALWAYS been worthy and that we are good enough. Then we can heal, as we realise that more and more of our subconscious pains about ourselves don't mean we are "bad" people.
You see, we are really wanting to become our complete SELVES. We still need to work on our side of the vibration before we can fully unite with their side of the vibration and vice versa. Our true selves are One, one with our twins, one with the universe, one with the creator. We are one and the same. All these things make up "ourself". We are wanting to reconnect with ourselves.
I do understand why we tend to focus so much on the physical side of things at first. I mean, this is what we are so used to on this physical plane. I do believe though, that as we all reach a higher soul consciousness, we see things CLEARER, meaning, we can see a much bigger picture outside of this physical world. Yes, the physical is important if it's part of the path, but we must remember that we exist on this earth to develop the SOUL which goes far beyond it.
Therefore, if we believe our twin flame's are at fault and we have these negative beliefs surrounding them, then that is what we will attract for ourselves and likely how they will percieve us. Could it be that sometimes a person's "fault" is to lack trust in the other, in the reasons behind this connection and therefore we attract the very things we subconsciously try to avoid?
Could it be that we spend all this time thinking "if only the he/she would do this or that then we could be together", that we are missing the point that we lack faith in this connection ourselves? We lack trust that all is happening for our highest good. We blind ourselves with wanting the connection to be a set way, therefore cannot see that it is the way it is right now because we are still needing to learn something and that the destination we are so focussed on might be a limited perception of what the outcome might be anyway?
Could it be that we are missing the point that reunion might be in a way which we cannot even comprehend as human beings? In a much BIGGER way? Could it be that our union may have nothing to do with being together in a "traditional" romantic relationship? What if that's not a bad thing? What if we are open to an even bigger possibility that is even beyond the physical?
I believe many twin flames are missing the point by LIMITING this connection by focussing too much on wanting to "be with them" in the physical, to the point of missing the lessons right now which are keeping them apart. We need to get out of the "categorising" and "earthly ideals" way of thinking and broaden our minds to understand the SOUL. But this is all part of the twin flame journey; We set ourselves limits so that we can eventually overcome them.
I have said this before but I will say it again, hopefully to help people ponder and see the bigger picture. TwinSOULS are primarily about the SOUL. They are the identical vibrational frequency of us. THEY ARE US and that means we need to be happy within ourselves before we can see the bigger picture in all this. If you cannot accept the connection in it's present state, then you are not ready for reunion because it means you will be unhappy that you don't have it the way you want it. Yes, we all hope to be united with our twins in the physical, but we may not have planned it to happen that way. This is the lesson we need to work through, to be able to see this as much more beyond physical circumstances. We are being prepared for Ascension, to exit our cycle of reincarnation on earth, so these lessons are to prepare us for soul consciousness as opposed to only believing in what the eye can see and the social beliefs we have learnt to believe as truth that may not be completely true.
I believe we need to find acceptance WITHIN OURSELVES. We long for the other so much because really we are longing to become whole with OURSELF and God. They are us, ourselves, and we want to connect so badly because we feel there are still parts of us that need healing, completing and we mistakenly think the other will complete us, instead of US completing ourselves. We are all God too. It comes from WITHIN before it is reflected back to us from the out.
Ironically, the separation occurs in order for us to long for the other so much until we do learn to accept, through creating the seed of the other's vibration (love) within ourselves FIRST, and along the way. This is an ongoing process. The only time we will fully unite (and i'm not talking physically necessarily, but it's a possibility depending on the chosen path) is when we have finally learn to ACCEPT OURSELVES and feel complete within ourselves, on both sides (creating the seed of their love at the same time).
Our twin flames are the other half of us, but the masculine and feminine vibrations are wholes within themselves. Both of these wholes need to be in complete harmony within themselves before the two wholes can fully reconnect to become One androgynous being.
When twin flames run, they are really running from THEMSELVES. They are us, we are them, and the connection highlights the parts of us that need working on and "fixing" in order to become our true selves again (united as one). This is MAJOR and very scary. We all have "faults" (lessons to learn) and it is painful to think about our percieved weaknesses. We blame ourselves and feel unworthy. We mistakenly think we "aren't good enough" or aren't even a "good person" if we believe we have "faults". But they aren't faults, just lessons, but of course we don't see it like that at first. There are no "wrong" decisions, "wrong" behaviours in terms of the soul. The soul CHOSE these traits/circumstances in order to ultimately teach us to forgive ourselves, to LOVE ourselves, and others. But of course, at first, we just see them as our weaknesses and believe we are unworthy until we "sort them out".
And this is what the twin flame makes us face up to. We see those "faults" in ourselves clearer than ever before. This scares us MORE THAN ANYTHING. We experience this wonderful person and it highlights to us all our "faults". We are one, so reflect each other and attract in to each other the very things we need to heal. The pain always comes before the healing though. With the twin flame's presence (in soul and in physical) we finally have to face up to those things, and quite often we don't want to (this is subconsciously). The very things about ourselves we have tried to distract ourselves from because we have been so ashamed are finally out in the open, seen completely by ourselves for the first times, and also seen by our twin flame. So we run, until finally we realise through the increased love, and awareness of our inner selves (God consciousness), that we have ALWAYS been worthy and that we are good enough. Then we can heal, as we realise that more and more of our subconscious pains about ourselves don't mean we are "bad" people.
You see, we are really wanting to become our complete SELVES. We still need to work on our side of the vibration before we can fully unite with their side of the vibration and vice versa. Our true selves are One, one with our twins, one with the universe, one with the creator. We are one and the same. All these things make up "ourself". We are wanting to reconnect with ourselves.
I do understand why we tend to focus so much on the physical side of things at first. I mean, this is what we are so used to on this physical plane. I do believe though, that as we all reach a higher soul consciousness, we see things CLEARER, meaning, we can see a much bigger picture outside of this physical world. Yes, the physical is important if it's part of the path, but we must remember that we exist on this earth to develop the SOUL which goes far beyond it.
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