Soul Twin Flames
You seek your First Love, who is the Lord of Life, I AM, and you seek your twin flame. You seek the perfect union, and yet your karma stands between you and the very resolution you seek with the most precious parts of life, whose contact you have lost or let slip through your fingers. All of a sudden one is swept in one direction and one is swept in another, as we are physical separated from our twin flame. The pain of this separation, the separation from our Self, is immeasurable. No matter how happy you are in life, if you have not found that union with your twin flame the fullness of the joy of Being is denied in your world.
Yet the world goes on and people, for the most part, do not realize the cause of their inner sadness. Some go here and there seeking acquisitions of material things, hoping that the next and then the next acquisition will fill that void that feeling that something is missing in their world. Some go from partnership to partnership, unconsciously looking for that perfect partner they know from the depths of their soul is out there "somewhere" in cosmos. They may project onto others that this other "person" is it, they are the perfect one. But in time they are disappointed as the expectations are not met, and then they blame the other person that they are the problem, they lack this and that.
One Became Twain Twin Spheres
Your First Love the Self in Spirit, separated into the twain as twin spheres with two separate causal bodies and I AM Presences when you descended from Spirit into Matter. One causal body of Light now separated into twin souls, one masculine, one feminine, the yin and yang, the Alpha and Omega, as twin spirit sparks, separate twin flames, but eternally in Spirit the One.
Your First Love the Self in Spirit, separated into the twain as twin spheres with two separate causal bodies and I AM Presences when you descended from Spirit into Matter. One causal body of Light now separated into twin souls, one masculine, one feminine, the yin and yang, the Alpha and Omega, as twin spirit sparks, separate twin flames, but eternally in Spirit the One.
For the purpose of the evolution of Cosmos you and your twin flame's Spirit attainment is one. At the same time, your individual soul progression accrues to your own causal body and I AM Presence. Likewise, any imperfection, limitations and discord created accrues to your own electronic belt where each one's negative karma lodges and stays with them from lifetime to lifetime until this karma is balanced.
Because both of you share the same blueprint of identity, unique in all of cosmos, whatever energy you send forth is imprinted or stamped with that specific pattern. According to the law that like attracts like, all energy you release cycles to your twin flame—either hindering or helping them on the path to wholeness. Although your twin flame is not responsible for the negative karma you create, the twin flame has karma from the original rejection of the feminine half of self. Whether you are the original masculine who rejected your feminine that caused the Fall, or the original feminine rejected for the Great Whore impostor of yourself, both of you ultimately rejected the feminine—one the outer feminine and the other the inner feminine. Thereby both made the same karma which caused the initial separation in Eden.
The way back to oneness with I AM and the beloved, is to open your ears to hear and your eyes to see, and listen to the speaking of God in your heart. It is the only way to know the difference between the light and darkness of your karma after eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Understanding how love truly is a manifestation of the all-seeing eye of God, with the union of your twin flame as spheres of light each in God consciousness, you are the incarnation of the divine blueprint of the ovoid of God as Father-Mother. The Sword (Sacred Word) of Truth with that God consciousness of Divine Love is the purification of all anti-Love, anti-Being, anti-Word and anti-Mother on this planet. Therefore the sword of Truth must be wielded by those who have some degree of the mastery of God-Love–understanding that the most intense and fiery love for God, for one's Guru, for one's twin flame or spouse or child must be seen as the love that is instrumental in the defense of those who are the "have-nots," those who have not the Light or the spiritual fortitude to bear the strength of Truth surrounded by Love.
Seeking union with the twin flame is important. But the path to that union must be purified by the violet flame and the understanding that you are conceived out of the same white fire body, the fiery ovoid of the I AM Presence, born out of God's Light.
The First Ray Masters speak of once having contemplated the Tree of Life we must not forget Being. For the Tree of Life is the focus of the inner blueprint of your beginning. The Tree of Life in Self is the "You" True Blue, the "forget-me-not", * for each one is the manifestation of our Father/Mother God.
*El Morya, the Master of the blue ray of the Will of God, has said he is the center of the forget-me-not of your heart.
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