Karma is the Sanskrit word for action, deed or work. Karma is energy/consciousness in action. Karma is the law of cause and effect and retribution. We reap what we sow. The law of cause and effect is not punishment, but is wholly for the sake of education or learning.
Karma is also related to the "Law of return or Threefold Law" where the beneficial or harmful effects one has on the world will return to oneself. What goes around comes around. This is also known as the law of the circle. Everything we do comes full circle to our doorstep for resolution.
Newton observed that 'for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction'. The law of karma compels a soul's reincarnation until all karmic contracts are completed, or until karmic cycles are balanced. Thus, from lifetime to lifetime one's fate is determined his fate by his actions, including his thoughts, feelings, words, and the intention of deeds.
And what we have been makes us what we are.
The law of karma is an expression of justice and a reflection of the unity of life in the world of duality. Karma is like the seed of a relationship between soulmates.
"Karmic" soul mates are two individuals who have come together during a given lifetime to heal something from a past life or previous lives. Their relationship with one another can be very profound and loving, or it can deteriorate into the same negative situation that was created in a previous life. Another possible outcome is that the karma may only be partially resolved, leaving both with more work to do during this or some future life together.
All the negative karma we’ve incurred during any of our previous lives will eventually be healed through decisions that are based upon unconditional love and forgiveness. This will not happen because we are forced to do so as a form of punishment. Rather, our choices to bring healing will be based upon free will, which we and we alone will make.
This is what the universal law of karma is about. And we will have as many lives as we need to eventually balance all we have caused others to feel through fear, anger, hatred, bitterness, jealousy, and other ego-based choices.
Soul mates are drawn together because they are simultaneously working on the same type of karma, sacred labour and the same chakra (spiritual centres within the body).Karmic relationships involve two individuals who are drawn together for the balancing of mutual karmic debts. These relationships are often difficult but they are important to making progress on the spiritual path. If married, the couple can make good karma for bringing forth and nurturing children.
Some of these marriages may provide opportunity for balancing serious karmas like murder, betrayal or extreme hatred from a previous lifetime. Very often the only way we can balance these serious karmas is by the love expressed through the husband and wife relationship. Note that these relationships can often begin with the most intense love or desire, which early on can be mistaken for the twin flame relationship.
To meet your twin flame while you still have karma may simply lead to another parting, without the knowledge of spiritual laws on how to balance this karma and the dedication to apply these laws.
All the negative karma we’ve incurred during any of our previous lives will eventually be healed through decisions that are based upon unconditional love and forgiveness. This will not happen because we are forced to do so as a form of punishment. Rather, our choices to bring healing will be based upon free will, which we and we alone will make.
This is what the universal law of karma is about. And we will have as many lives as we need to eventually balance all we have caused others to feel through fear, anger, hatred, bitterness, jealousy, and other ego-based choices.
Soul mates are drawn together because they are simultaneously working on the same type of karma, sacred labour and the same chakra (spiritual centres within the body).Karmic relationships involve two individuals who are drawn together for the balancing of mutual karmic debts. These relationships are often difficult but they are important to making progress on the spiritual path. If married, the couple can make good karma for bringing forth and nurturing children.
Some of these marriages may provide opportunity for balancing serious karmas like murder, betrayal or extreme hatred from a previous lifetime. Very often the only way we can balance these serious karmas is by the love expressed through the husband and wife relationship. Note that these relationships can often begin with the most intense love or desire, which early on can be mistaken for the twin flame relationship.
To meet your twin flame while you still have karma may simply lead to another parting, without the knowledge of spiritual laws on how to balance this karma and the dedication to apply these laws.
The twin flame, or perfect love, is born out of the original white-fire ovoid. This is an ovoid of light in which you are created in the Central Sun, the highest concentration of pure Spirit in the universe. God takes t he ovoid and he makes out of it two spheres of light.
We all started out in golden ages long ago with the perfect person, the twin flame, but then we started making karma. We descended into the lower octaves, we were separated from our twin flame. We lost that physical manifestation of the divine counterpart in heaven, and then we bagan creating obligations with other people. And this is why embodiment after embodiment we are married to different people. Some may be soul mates, some karmic relationships. And hopefully we make the best of it and share a love that will achieve a particular purpose and also balance karma. The law of Karma demands we go back and fulfull our responsibilities first. It is always your first obligation. It can take you away from your twin flame for lifetimes. And the goal is to balance that karma, become purified on the path of the Holy Spirit, attain reuinion with God and the twin flame, and climb back up the ladder of life to the Source whence you came. And this is the long story of the lost word being found again.
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