Just as events may be grouped by cause, they may also be grouped by meaning. A grouping of events by meaning need not have an explanation in terms of cause and effect. The concept of synchronicity was first described in this terminology by Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychologist, in the 1920s.
There is no such thing as coincidences if you consider all events and ideas can be connected either through cause and effect or by some meaningful connection that is personal to the one who is experiencing the synchronicity. There is a connection between the inner and outer world; between internal psychological or psychic events and external physical and objective events. There is a distinct difference between the terms "coincidence" and "synchronicity."
A synchronicity, is a coincidence that holds some personal significance for the observer. It is meaningful and personal. There is also a connection between an internal event (thought, feeling, dream, etc.,) and an external event (physical observation, interaction with others). For example, you are thinking (internal thought) of someone and suddenly the phone rings and it just happens to be them calling you (external event). Another example, you keep having re-occurring dreams about butterflies (internal event) and you suddenly start to notice butterflies everywhere you go (external event). There is no particular order in which the two events occur.
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